Steps on how to force your iPhone to always stay in Low Power Mode

Steps on how to force your iPhone to always stay in Low Power Mode


Steps on how to force your iPhone to always stay in Low Power ModeSteps on how to force your iPhone to always stay in Low Power Mode


Did you know that you can use a simple iOS automation to force your iPhone to always stay in Low Power Mode? Even if you turn it off, it will instantly turn back on.

In this tutorial, we tell you more about it and how to keep your iPhone permanently in Low Power Mode.


But why?

Low Power Mode helps you increase the use time you get from a single charge. We have talked more about it in our guide on how to use Low Power Mode.

Though you can manually enable Low Power Mode anytime you want, it’s automatically turned off when you plug your iPhone into charging and the battery percentage reaches 80%. After that, you will have to manually enable it again, if desired.

But say you’re traveling and wish to keep Low Power Mode always on. In such situations, the following steps will help.

How to enable Low Power Mode permanently on your iPhone

1) Open the built-in Shortcuts app and tap Automation.

2) Tap Create Personal Automation. If you already have one, tap the plus icon (+) from the top right.

3) Scroll down and tap Low Power Mode.

Steps on how to force your iPhone to always stay in Low Power Mode4) On the “When” screen, uncheck Is Turned On, check Is Turned Off, and tap Next.

Steps on how to force your iPhone to always stay in Low Power Mode5) In the search bar, type Set Low Power Mode and tap it from the search results.

Steps on how to force your iPhone to always stay in Low Power Mode6) After that, select Next.

7) Turn off Ask Before Running and tap Don’t Ask.

8) Finally, choose Done.

Steps on how to force your iPhone to always stay in Low Power ModeYou have successfully created an automation that automatically turns on Low Power Mode when Low Power Mode is turned off (by you or by iOS on reaching 80% battery).

Steps on how to force your iPhone to always stay in Low Power ModeTo check, go to iPhone Settings > Battery and enable Low Power Mode (if not already). Now, turn off the switch for Low Power Mode, and you will see that it doesn’t work. It will automatically switch back on!

Steps on how to force your iPhone to always stay in Low Power Mode
You can see that I tap the Low Power Mode toggle to turn it off, but it automatically turns back on.

This way, you can’t take your iPhone out of Low Power Mode. Even when you plug it into charging and the battery reaches 80%, the automation will force your iPhone to stay in Low Power Mode!

How to revert this

When your iPhone is in Low Power Mode, a few things like iCloud Photos upload and download, automatic updates, etc., will be paused. Plus, 5G is disabled for almost all tasks, and the display refresh rate on newer iPhones and iPads are limited to 60Hz.

To address this, turn off the automation, and after that, your iPhone will be able to exit Low Power Mode. Here’s how:

  1. Open the Shortcuts app and tap Automation.
  2. Tap the When Low Power Mode is turned off automation.
  3. Toggle off Enable This Automation and tap Done.

Steps on how to force your iPhone to always stay in Low Power ModeFrom now, Low Power Mode will work normally. You can disable and enable it whenever you like.

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