How not to be online on WhatsApp

Since instant messaging apps have spread widely on new generation smartphones, the way you communicate with your friends has definitely changed. By now you have practically said goodbye to SMS because most of the communication takes place via WhatsApp . Unfortunately, however, with this new technology there is also a downside: sometimes you would like to be able to communicate in peace only with one person, without having to be constantly studded with messages from others. In fact, as you used to do with the old MSN Messenger and later also with Skype, you would like to know how not to be online on WhatsApp , so as to send messages only when and you want and, above all, to whoever you want.

How do you say? This is exactly how things are and you are wondering if they can help you? Of course, I can do it with my eyes closed! It is not the first time that I have been asked a similar question related to WhatsApp but, unfortunately, I must immediately make one thing clear: at the moment there is no specific feature that allows you not to be online on WhatsApp . Attention, however, this does not mean that there are no equally valid alternative solutions: if you want to avoid being online on WhatsApp you can follow some precautions that I will give you in this tutorial and thus limit the activity of intrusive people.

Are you ready to get started? In the course of this guide, I will provide you with some useful tips and advice on how you can act to change the privacy of your WhatsApp account , thus limiting some actions by people who contact you too frequently. Having said that, sit comfortably and take a few minutes of free time to carefully read my tutorial: I wish you a good read and a good “job”.


  • How not to be online on WhatsApp
  • How to hide the last login
    • Android
    • iOS
  • How to hide read receipts
    • Android
    • iOS
  • How to block a person
    • Android
    • iOS
    • PC
  • App to not be online on WhatsApp

 How not to be online on WhatsApp

As I anticipated in the previous lines, at the time of writing this tutorial there is no official feature to prevent being online on WhatsApp that allows you, therefore, to access WhatsApp in “invisible” or “offline” mode, so as not to appear “online” when you are using the messaging app.

However, there are some “tricks” related to the correct use of the settings that will allow you to use WhatsApp with some restrictions regarding your privacy.

In this regard, in the following lines I will explain step by step how to carry out these operations by explaining how to hide the last access on WhatsApp , how to hide the read receipts and, in extreme cases, also how to block a contact on WhatsApp .

In particular, in the latter case, by blocking a person, temporarily or permanently, you can actually make sure not to be online on WhatsApp .

How to hide the last login

One of the best options you have available to not be online on WhatsApp concerns the possibility of increasing the privacy level of the messaging app by deactivating the last access .

It is, in fact, that view relating to your profile that indicates the date and time when you last connected to the messaging app. However, before explaining how to proceed on Android and iPhone , I would like to point out that, by carrying out this operation, you will not see each other’s last access of your WhatsApp contacts .

In this regard, in case of doubts or problems, refer to my tutorial in which I explain how to hide the last access on WhatsApp .


If you wonder how not to be online on WhatsApp from Android and, to do so, you want to hide the last login , you must first start the messaging app and then access the Settings section .

You can reach this section by tapping on the button with the symbol (…) located at the top right and then pressing on the words Settings that you will see appear in the drop-down menu.

Once this is done, presses on the Account> Privacy items and then presses on the Last Access item . Now, put the check mark on None , to disable this feature.

At any time, to restore the display of the last access, go back to the Settings> Account> Privacy> Last access menu and place the check mark on the All or My contacts item , to respectively make your last access on WhatsApp is visible to everyone or only to your contacts.


If, on the other hand, you are acting from iOS and you want to know how not to be online on WhatsApp with iPhone , the first thing you need to do is to press the button with the symbol of a gear to display the Settings screen .

Then, locate the wording Account, tap on it and then press the word Privacy from the menu displayed. At this point, if you want to disable the option relating to the last access on WhatsApp , tap on the word Last access and select the None option .

If you wish, you can change your mind at any time and restore the view you last accessed. To do this, go back to the Settings> Account> Privacy menu  and then set the Last Access option by tapping on the word All .

How to hide read receipts

An option that I recommend you to consider, if you want to activate some restrictions on WhatsApp to protect your privacy is the one that allows you to hide the read receipts, that is the famous blue confirmation ticks that appear in correspondence with a message to indicate that it has been read.

I remind you that even this option dedicated to privacy works reciprocally with your WhatsApp contacts ; consequently, by deactivating the read receipts, you will no longer be able to see those relating to the messages you send to your contacts.

Also you must keep in mind that, even if you have deactivated the read receipts, they will still be present in the conversations between groups and will not be deactivated.

For more information read my tutorial in which I explain how to disable the blue ticks on WhatsApp .


To do this on Android, go to the WhatsApp Settings section by pressing on the icon (…) at the top right and then tap on the words Account > Privacy .

Then, on the next screen, locate the wording Read confirmations and move the lever from ON to OFF to disable this feature.

At any time, you can retrace your steps by moving the lever back to ON to reactivate the display of the blue ticks .


To disable read receipts on iOS, go to the Settings menu (the gear icon at the bottom right), then tap on Account> Privacy .

Finally, the screen that displays, move to OFF lever located at the words Receipts , to disable this feature.

In case you decide to retrace your steps and reactivate the option relating to the read receipts, go back to the Settings> Account> Privacy section and activate the read receipt again , by moving the lever to ON .

How to block a person

Since your intent is not to be online on WhatsApp , I imagine that you can also consider the possibility of taking advantage of additional privacy measures, so as to no longer be contacted by unwanted people.

In this regard, the definitive solution to avoid being contacted on WhatsApp is to block a person within the app. Through this procedure you will blacklist a contact, prevent him from seeing you online and make sure that he cannot send you messages. This, therefore, is the only possible option to never be online on WhatsApp .

The procedure that I will indicate to you in the following lines can be performed at any time through the app for Android or iOS and the contact or contacts included in the blacklist can be unblocked at any time.

Furthermore, if you wonder how not to be online on Whatsapp Web, you will surely be interested in knowing how to proceed to block a contact even on WhatsApp from a PC , also acting through its client for Windows or macOS .

In this regard, in case of doubts or problems, refer to my guide in which I explain how to block a person on WhatsApp .


Having made the necessary premises, let’s see together the procedure used to block a contact on WhatsApp by acting from Android devices .

To start, start the WhatsApp app and go to the Chat section in order to identify the conversation with the person you want to block.

Now, tap on his conversation to view it, and then press the button with the three dots symbol which is located in the upper right corner. After you tap on the words more and then the button Block then pressing the button again Block to confirm your will to perform this operation.

If you have changed your mind, you can at any time tap again on the button with the three dots symbol and then, by tapping on the word Other , press the Unlock button .

Alternatively, you can also perform this procedure via the Settings section of the app. Then tap on the button (…)  that you can see at the top right of the main screen and press on the words Settings> Accounts> Privacy> Blocked Contacts .

At this point, you can add a person to the list of blocked contacts by tapping the button with the little man symbol at the top right and identifying the person to be blocked in the contacts section.

Through this section you can also unblock a person previously blocked: just tap on his name and press the Unblock button [his name] .


If you are using an iPhone you can proceed in an extremely simple way to block a person on WhatsApp . The first thing you need to do is go to the Chat section to find the person you want to block.

Then open the chat started previously and then tap on the person’s name at the top to view the Contact Info section .

At this point, scroll down this section until you find the word Block contact . Then tap on it and confirm this operation by pressing the Lock button . If you change your mind, you can go back to the Contact info section and press the Unblock contact button .

The contact blocking procedure can also be done via the Settings> Account> Privacy> Blocked section . Through this screen, in fact, press the Add button and identify the name of the person you want to block from the contact list .

In this same screen, you can also unlock a person added to the list of blocked contacts blocked: to do this, swipe to the right in correspondence with the name of the person to be unblocked and then press the Unblock button .


If you are using WhatsApp Web or the desktop client for Windows and macOS , you can block a contact just as easily and quickly.

To do this, after logging into your account, by scanning the QR code , click on the conversation relating to the user you want to block.

Once this is done, click on his name at the top and in the next screen displayed on the right, click on the Block [contact name] button . Finally, confirm the operation by pressing the Lock button .

At any time, to unblock the user, click on the Unblock [contact name] button and confirm the operation by clicking on Unblock .

App to not be online on WhatsApp

Would you like to know if there are apps to not be online on WhatsApp ? In this case I must immediately warn you against using such solutions as using third-party apps or modified WhatsApp clients could expose your account to serious risks of compromising privacy.

Therefore, to succeed in the intent you have proposed, you must take advantage of the solutions proposed in the previous chapters of this tutorial.

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