How To Free Up Storage/Memory Space On Windows 10 PC (3 Essential Steps)

How To Free Up Storage/Memory Space On Windows 10 PC (3 Essential Steps)
How To Free Up Storage/Memory Space On Windows 10 PC (3 Essential Steps)How To Free Up Storage/Memory Space On Windows 10 PC (3 Essential Steps)How To Free Up Storage/Memory Space On Windows 10 PC (3 Essential Steps). Are you in anyway facing low memory space management on your PC, laptop or desktop running on
Windows 10 operating system? 
Is your computer memory space accumulated with
large number of software applications, songs, videos, PDFs, notes and many
other files or document consuming the available space? Have you applied any
function just to see that your memory is freed up but all could not avail? Then
here are three (3) essential steps to get your low windows 10 OS memory freed
up on both laptops and desktops.
The following are the three options to get that done on your
Personal Computer haven your PC been installed with Windows 10 OS. 
>1. Use “Disk Clean-up”
This software called Disk Clean-up, happens to be a utility
software pre-installed by Microsoft Windows for the sole usage of freeing up
your disk space on the hard drive of the computer you are actually using. This
clean up or space maintenance software for your hard drive works in this
dimension; It execute cleaning by first searching and analyzing your hard disk,
bringing out files that are no longer useful to your PC with their sizes or
spaces they are occupying. Now, it is now left for you to choose whether to
delete those unwanted files permanently or not. The target file categories in
which disk cleanup will work on when selected include cache files, temporary
files, updates & some deleted files that are stored in recycle bin. You can
locate the Disk Clean-up software
via searching bar in the Start menu of your PC.  Now use the software and perform some search
and analyze your PC data to get extra gigabyte of space.
>2. Check And Delete Some Duplicate files/data.
Another step of getting your personal computer freed up from
low memory space is by removing and deleting duplicated files. You can achieve
such task with the use of a third party duplicate data locator or finder
software such as duplicate cleaner pro application or Cleaner application etc.
So to avoid files duplicate or clean already duplicated files, make use of the
above applications. The software(s) carries out their operations by scanning
your hard drive for any unwanted duplicated data or files and then do a good
job by removing such files from your laptops and desktop PCs.
 Note: You shouldn’t
use the above apps to delete duplicated files located in your PC system
folders, for example in Windows and Program Files folders. Because windows may
require to use some of the duplicated files to function properly in this very
How To Free Up Storage/Memory Space On Windows 10 PC (3 Essential Steps)
>3. Ensure to Uninstall Unwanted large applications occupying
your device memory space. You may say that you have already done removing
duplicated files and nothing more. But you should ensure to free up your device
memory space be it your smartphones or computers by removing some applications
that you rarely use. So from your windows 10 PC, you can uninstall those apps
you hardly use and some of them which you don’t even open. By mere doing this,
your device would be freed up from low memory space. So this is part of
computer maintenance you shouldn’t miss to do.
To check your PC apps stats based on the software taking
much memory space or not, go to Settings > System >> Apps &
Then click on the basic app and click on
“Uninstall” option. that’s all for PC memory maintenance.
We wish to hear from you to know whether the above tips are
helpful in reducing high rate of memory space consumption on your personal
computers and Desktops. Don’t forget to share to friends too. Thank you.

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