How to install multi-account containers in Firefox

We live in a time of transition to the digital world. Right now with the rise of remote work it is common for us to use our personal or work computer for different tasks. We not only use it for work, we also use it for our private conversations and for shopping. In that sense, we look for different ways to preserve our privacy in the different areas of our life. For this reason, Firefox has been working on its container concept to achieve this goal. In this tutorial we are going to learn about Firefox multi-account containers to find out what they are and why they improve privacy.

The first thing we are going to do is find out what Firefox multi-account containers are. Then we will see what advantages their use can offer us and we will see some practical examples of how we can use them to improve privacy.

What are Firefox Multi-Account Containers

We can define Firefox multi-account containers as a tool that will allow us to separate our work, purchases and personal browsing. We will do it in a way where we will not have to clear history, start and close sessions, or use multiple browsers. It is an improved version of the “Containers” feature that is included in Firefox Nightly, however, for a better and more complete experience it is best to add your browser add-on.

The containers in particular are about tabs, but unlike the normal ones, the web pages that we visit in them will have access to a separate area of ​​the browser’s storage. This means that your website preferences, logins and any monitoring they do on us will not be carried over to the tab of another container. In short, each container you have is going to be maintained independently with its configurations and it will not affect the rest.

Why Containers Improve Your Privacy

Today when we browse the Internet we leave a digital footprint of the sites we visit thanks to cookies and trackers. For example, we cannot do without cookies on all sites, because otherwise we would not be able to log in. If we browse normally, you will see the trace left by all our cookies. On the other hand, if we use a container, only one part can be monitored, for example, Facebook, and we will leave less trace. This is because each container stores the information in a separate and therefore independent area.

Among the advantages that it can provide us:

  • We can log in to several accounts at the same time in Firefox. We can open the personal and work Gmail account in different containers.
  • Greater protection against attacks by cybercriminals. For example, if you click on a malicious link, it will only affect that container. In that sense, it will keep the rest of the containers safe.
  • It offers us protection over monitoring and tracking, without the need to log out of websites while browsing.
  • It allows the assignment to a web page of a certain container so that it always opens there.
  • Supports the differentiation between personal and work tabs. When you get home you could hide the work ones to disconnect, and the operation could also be done in reverse.

In summary, thanks to this way of working, it is an effective way of minimizing the tracking of our browsing activities. This ultimately leads to greater privacy when browsing.

How to install multi-account containers in Firefox

The first thing we have to do to install Firefox multi-account containers is to open this browser. Once inside we must click on the following link and we will see a screen like this:

So what we have to do is click on the Add to Firefox button and a screen like this will appear:

All we have to do here is click on ” Add ” to proceed with the installation of the “multi-account containers” add-on for Firefox. With this we would be ready to start working with containers.

This is how multi-account containers work

If we want to use Firefox’s multi-account containers, we will click on its corresponding icon located in the upper right corner with a red arrow.

Then we press the Get Started button and it will explain the functionalities of this browser extension through different screens. One of the possibilities it offers us is to synchronize the containers between different computers for which we will need a Firefox account.

In our case, as we are not going to synchronize, we have clicked on the Not Now button . Once this is done, we will be on the main screen of the Firefox multi-account containers and we will be ready to start working.

Here to use one of the containers we will click for example on Work and it will open a new tab for that purpose.

Above the tab to distinguish it from a normal one, it has a color assigned and the name of the container and its icon will appear in the address bar. Also another way to access a container would be to click on the ” +”   to add a new tab in a sustained way. We could even manage Firefox’s multi-account containers.

Learn how to create, edit, and delete a Firefox container

As we have already seen, by default this add-on offers us four containers: Personal, Work, Banking and Purchases. However, we may not have enough with those and we need to create a new one, which is what we are going to see next. To carry out this task, in the Firefox browser we go back to the upper right corner and click on the Firefox multi-account container icon. Then we will see a screen like this, where we must click on the option « Manage Containers «.

Then a screen like this will appear, and we select the New Container option to create a new container.

Here what we have to do to create a container is to put a name, choose a color and an icon to finish by clicking the OK button .

Then we will see how that new container called RedesZone has been created.

If we continue in the Manage Containers option and click on the name of one of the Firefox multi-account containers, we can delete it by clicking on the Delete This Container button .

How to make a website always open in a container

We are going to start by opening Firefox in a tab that does not have any container associated with it. Then in the address bar, click on the extension icon and choose the container.

The next time we try to access RedesZone, a screen like this will appear:

If we activate the box above, the option we choose will always apply from that moment on. It will do so depending on whether we choose between the current container or the RedesZone container.

On the other hand, in Manage Containers , we can see the websites assigned to the Firefox multi-account containers. After clicking on one of them we will see the following:

Here what we have to do is click on Manage Site List .

Then we can see the assigned web pages and if we click on the trash icon we can also delete them.

As you have seen, Firefox’s multi-account containers are an interesting alternative to maintain privacy, we can create two easily distinguishable scenarios, one personal and one for work, ideal for not “mixing” the navigation between the two.

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