How To Properly Secure Your Android Phone

How To Properly Secure Your Android Phone

How To Properly Secure Your Android PhoneHow To Properly Secure Your Android Phone

Phones that have Android software are often considered insecure, but with these android security tips, you can secure your android phone as much as possible.

While most people already know that they should implement a strong password that cannot be easily guessed or cracked, other mobile security measures are often overlooked. In fact, mobile security is an important aspect of good digital hygiene. If you don’t take the time to ensure your phone’s safety and security, you’re leaving yourself vulnerable to a wide range of issues, from data theft to identity theft.

Tips for securing your Android phone:

1. Password Lock

Probably the best known is the password lock. The best way to lock your phone is with a password that you remember well, and with some phones, you can even lock your folders. If you do not have such a function, you can download various applications that offer these functions and can be found on the Play Store.

2. Updates

How To Properly Secure Your Android PhoneIf you really want to secure your android phone and protect your data from various attacks, always update your devices as quickly as possible so that you have the best possible protection. Because every update improves security features, whether it’s just various fixes.

Next, be sure to watch out for weird links that either friend can send you because they have already clicked on such a weird link, or you can find it on various websites. Also, be careful about which sites you are navigating to, as some are not secure and can easily steal your data.

4. Unique Passwords

How To Properly Secure Your Android PhoneThe best advice for the security of your online accounts is to set a different password for each of them, a unique one. Sometimes it’s really hard to remember, but if you write them down on paper and use them for a while, you can throw away the paper because you’ll remember all the passwords.

5. Public Wi-Fi

If you use public Wi-Fi, it’s best to get an app that redirects your VPN. Because many of these public networks can be easily hacked into your phone. Therefore, it is better to use mobile data and best to avoid public Wi-Fi, but if you do not have another option, it is smart to get a VPN.

6. Downloading

But you also have to be careful where you download what you download. It’s best to download everything from the Play Store or a verified store. Because there is a lot of pofidér which also lists on its website applications that contain various malware.

7. Backup Your Data

Data backup is also very good, especially if someone steals your phone. Then you have everything you lost backed up in the cloud and you can never lose it again.

8. Delete data remotely

Deleting data from the phone remotely is sometimes only possible on some devices, but you can find applications that allow this, even for free. If someone steals your phone and you are worried about your sensitive data, you should get an application if it is not otherwise possible on your phone. Then you don’t have to worry about anything and you will only delete all data if it is stolen.


When it comes to keeping your Android phone secure, there are several things that you can do. We recommend creating a strong password for all of your accounts including social media and email, installing anti-virus software on your device, and staying up to date on the latest security updates.

It is also good to use various security applications, but be careful what they are so that they do not just collect unnecessary data. Most of them are paid. You can use these tips not only to secure your Android phone but to keep it fast and up-to-date.

See also

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