Surprises hidden in Apple invitations? AR project may have a big move

On September 12, when Apple sent an invitation to the media and the public to watch the “Special Event from Apple Orchard” on the website on September 15, the company performed an artistic rendering of its logo and attached four Word: “Time flies.” Most people interpret it as Apple will release the next generation of Apple Watch, but there is an augmented reality (AR) surprise that implies more.

If you click on the Apple logo, it will turn on your phone camera and start to display this artistic picture on the table, under a tree or next to your cat (where you happen to point to your phone), just like the popular AR game Pokemon in 2016 Go. The AR technology that supports Apple’s tricks is nothing new. In fact, AR is one of the most fashionable words in the technology industry and is regarded as a key technology in the future.

People familiar with Apple’s thinking revealed that Apple has also been very interested in AR in the past few years and is expected to launch AR helmets next year. This device is expected to be wireless and includes other computer imaging techniques, which may become Apple’s “next big thing.” As we wait for the iPhone manufacturer to launch another magical device, the invitation trick makes many people wonder what AR-related things will be released at Apple’s conference.

AR iPad

Over the years, Apple has always added AR technology to its devices. Its ARKit software development tool helps companies identify the location of the phone in the room so they can cover various things in the real world. Earlier this year, Apple added new sensors to its iPad to make all of these work better. Therefore, they may be added to the rumored new iPad Air product, and Apple is also expected to release this product. In any case, Apple is expected to boast about how its latest device makes it “the world’s largest AR platform.”

AR education

Apple has always been interested in education, and now many children use iPads in their schools. Technology Scott Stein said that if Apple does install a new AR sensor in the iPad, this may be part of its sales to schools. He said: “It may be worth paying attention to AR-based classrooms or educational software used in distance learning. Google has been promoting similar initiatives in the AR field for many years, and Apple still needs to find ways to make AR easier and more helpful. People in daily life.”

AR Apple Watch

Apple may add AR technology to its smart watches. So you can scan the room with your wrist? The Apple Watch can already make and receive calls, play music, and control the front door, which is more than the comic hero Dick Tracy can do with his tech watch.

AR Apple TV Plus

Last year, Apple launched the Apple TV Plus video subscription service for US$4.99 per month, and launched the science fiction television series “See”, which gave it a star effect. This play tells a post-apocalyptic world full of blind people, starring Jason Momoa. Now, what if a topless momoa appeared in your living room? Apple is obviously developing content inspired by Apple TV Plus shows for the iPhone or iPad.

AR iPhone

Although Apple’s September 15 event is likely to be about the iPad and Apple Watch, this does not mean that the technology giant cannot surprise people suddenly. Perhaps when browsing the new AR features of the iPad, Apple will also show us the new iPhone!

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