Tesla’s New Car Launched on Third-Party Website & Musk is Not Aware

Tesla began to display new cars on the third-party platform cars.com , but CEO Elon Musk did not know about it.

A key difference between Tesla and other automakers is that the company sells directly to consumers, also known as a direct-to-consumer model. In the United States, all traditional automakers sell and service through third-party franchised dealers, while Tesla has established its own stores and service centers. Tesla only sells new cars through its own website and stores, except for some second-hand garages that are listed on some third-party websites.

Now it appears that this situation is starting to change. Someone has spotted brand new Tesla vehicles on the cars.com website, and these listings appear to show brand new Tesla vehicles being sold as new cars with very low or no mileage.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk commented on this, saying that he was not aware of such a move by Tesla: “This is the first time I have heard of it, and it seems strange.”

Many people believe that Musk has been somewhat out of touch with Tesla recently. For example, he previously thought Tesla’s Cyberspoon partnership with McDonald’s was fake, but it was actually real.

Some media reported that this meant Tesla started “selling cars through third parties,” but this is not entirely correct, because the cars listed on Cars.com still redirect to Tesla’s official website, and users end up still redirecting to Tesla’s official website. Buying a car from Tesla is official so this is more of an advertisement.

We noticed that after years of not doing any advertising but doing a lot of marketing, Tesla started launching some ads earlier this year.

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