What you need to know about Google at 23 today

What you need to know about Google at 23 today

What you need to know about Google at 23 todayWhat you need to know about Google at 23 today

Google is 23 today and its celebrating it with an animated homepage Doodle that features a chocolate frosted cake.

It’s said that one chance encounter can change the course of your life. In Google’s case, a chance encounter between two computer scientists changed the course of the Internet and the lives of millions.

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In 1997, Google co-founder Sergey Brin – then a graduate student at Stanford University – met its other co-founder Larry Page, who was considering Stanford for graduate school at the time. By the next year, the two Google co-founders were building a search engine together in their dorm rooms and developing their first prototype. In 1998, Google Inc. was officially born.

“Every day, there are billions of searches on Google in more than 150 languages around the globe,” Google wrote in a blog post about the new Doodle. “From its first server housed in a cabinet built out of toy blocks to its servers now being housed in more than 20 data centers globally, its mission of making the world’s information accessible to everyone remains the same,” the post read further.

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