Top 10 Undocumented Social Rules in Nigeria You Must Know

Man is said to be a social animal, and although, every human life in a planet where, there is both a sense of individuality and also individual personal space, there are some social rules that demand the co-existence with the world opinion.

Although everyone has freedom, but certainly not the freedom to do ‘all things’ anybody feels like doing. However, it is rules and regulations that dictate how people live in the society and as well, behave with other people in the society because there is a belief that, if this happened, then the world will be a better place to live.

What Are The Undocumented Social Rules In Nigeria That You Must Know?

Anywhere, social rules are social rules, nevertheless, there are a number of social rules that are undocumented, and unspoken, yet it is expected that everyone should know in Nigeria. In this article then, l will be looking at top 10 undocumented social rules in Nigeria that you must know, and below are some of them.

1. When In friend’s Place And He Said ‘It Is Getting Late Or I Have So Much Work Tomorrow’:

What is expected of you in a situation such as that is, supposed you are in your friend’s place, and perhaps, you over stayed in your friend’s place, and you hear this phrase; ‘It Is Getting Late Or I Have So Much To Do Tomorrow”, the undocumented social rule here, any Nigerian must know is to be ready to take his or her leave.

The above phrase made by a friend is simply a cue for you to take your leave, the reason is obvious, your friend wants to retire to bed, so no matter what defines your relationship, you have to tidy up and leave.

2. When Riding With Someone In His Car For A  Distance:

There are four things here, four undocumented social rule any Nigerian must know.

• Make sure you volunteer to split the price of fuel he or she is buying. it is a necessary and important undocumented social rule that you must observe. You will show consideration and should you ask for a ride next time, he or she will not hesitate.

• Avoid of being a dick and hog with the car radio or music player. And should he or she ask you to play your favourite music, be sure you play something everyone will love? It is an undocumented social rule.

• Never insult his or her car. It shows inconsideration, just consider that you are having almost a free ride. It is an undocumented social rule you must know

• And suppose you are the only person that he or she is giving the ride, make sure you sit in front. It is an undocumented social rule you must know.

3. Find Concentration Level Of Your Perfume And Apply:

You have to discover the concentration level of the perfume you are using and not announce it. People love a well-kept individual, but not someone who has bathed himself or herself in fragrant or in deodorant.

All perfumes have their concentration levels, discover it and make sure you apply it to your body accordingly. People will appreciate a soft fragrant breeze anytime you pass by them, not such a waft of strong musk in their nose. This is another undocumented social rule you must know.

4. Holding Doors Open Or Pulling Chair Out For People Is Kind Gesture:

Chivalry, it is said, is not dead, so never try to kill it. Anytime you are in front of anybody and while stepping out, endeavour to hold the door for other persons to pass, you will be noticed by the people and your gesture will leave a good impression on those individuals.

Such a gesture can brighten their day, supposed they were having a shitty day. And suppose you are in a restaurant with someone, you can hold the chair out for him or her. Every individual loves someone who is well-mannered. But never try this if the people are farer away from you. It is an undocumented social rule in Nigeria.

5. When Two People Huddled Around You, Talking In Low Voices, They May Be Having Private Conversation:

This is true! Anytime you see people huddling around you, and lowering their voices while talking, they probably may have been in private conversation, and these persons honestly do not expect that you should be part of the conversation.

So you must respect their privacy and then, possibly excuse yourself from there quietly. The people will appreciate such accommodating behaviour from you and you will earn a good social brownie point. This is an undocumented social rule in Nigeria you must know.

6. When A Person Is Nervous / Shy In A Social Function, Never Point It Out To Him Or Her:

This is very important in a social scenario, whenever you observed that people are either shy or nervous, never point it to them, this is an undocumented social rule you must know as a Nigerian.

They probably may know it better than you do, and pointing it out to them will definitely decrease their own personal confidence. Instead, make them gain their confidence by distracting them, and possibly make some conversation with them, and have them in a groove, and you will see how they will appreciate your help.

7. When You Are Making Plans With Friends In Front Of Other Friends Of Yours:

This is very important also! Anytime you are making plans with friends, and you do not want some other persons invited into your plans, please do not try to mention their names or discuss them, while these persons are within your earshot.

It will hurt their own sentiments and may subsequently distance them away from you, and you do not want that. It is one of the undocumented social rules, every Nigerian must know.

8. When In Social Scenario And You Want To Talk To A Person  You Find Attractive:

Another undocumented social rule every Nigerian must know is that any time you are in a social situation, and maybe, you want to talk to a person that you feel attracted to you, never you make any attempt to overthink or overanalyse.

Just walk up to this person and then say to the person, hello, followed by a smile. Never you hit on him or her. Be friendly. Politeness, as well as, good manners also pays.

9. When Someone You Know  Changes In Appearance Like Weight Gain / Loss, Etc:

It is never your business to comment, and it will be rude if you comment on this, because these persons already know about it and maybe, they are feeling bad themselves about it, and you are not expected to point it out to them.

And perhaps, they may be working on their new appearance. Never embarrass them. It is one of the undocumented social rules every Nigerian must know.

10. When You Want To Make Suggestion Across, Avoid Dropping Hints:

Never try to drop hints, when you want to put your suggestion across. It will be worse if the people you are trying to put your suggestion across to, do not get it, and even when they do, that singular act will lower your impression before their very eyes.

Just speak up, that is the truth, even if you come up as blunt before them, you will be appreciated because you are honest and straight forward. This is another undocumented social rule.

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Man is said to be a social animal, and although, every human live in a planet where, there is both a sense of individuality and also individual personal space, there are some social rules that demand the co-existence with the world opinion. In this article, l have discussed top 10 undocumented social rules in Nigeria you must know.

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