How to know if I have the latest Windows 11 update

Know all the steps you must take to find out which is the latest version of Windows 11. In addition, we explain how to install it on your computer.

Having the latest Windows 11 update is the way to enjoy the news that the company introduces to your operating system. But it’s also the way to stay safe from bugs and security breaches. Therefore, you need to know how you can keep up to date. In the following sections we discuss this issue further.

In order to help you always have the latest Windows 11 update , we have prepared a complete guide in which we explain how to check which is the latest release that has been published. In addition, we tell you which method is the best to update the operating system to the most recent version and what settings you should avoid if you want to always be up to date.

Index of contents

  • Windows 11 latest update: how to find out which one it is
  • How to know if I have the latest Windows 11 update
  • How to get the latest Windows 11 update
  • Other update options in Windows
  • Why is it important to have the latest Windows 11 update?

Windows 11 latest update: how to find out which one it is

Before opening the computer configuration and getting fully into the exciting world of Windows Update (note the irony), we need to tell you how to check which is the latest version of Windows 11 available to date. Microsoft has a section on the documentation page specifically designed for that. From it you can quickly find out the most recent version that has been made public. You just have to click on this link to access it. If your intention is to frequently consult this website, we advise you to add it to your browser’s favorites. This will make it easier for you to return to it at other times.

When you are in front of the page that we have attached in the previous paragraph, scroll to the Servicing option section  . In the table you will see, in the first place, what is the availability of the launch. In this case, those that appear in the screenshot have been published in a general way. The date the latest version was released and the build number are also displayed. Finally, access the KB article to see all the changes.

In general, this is all the information you need to know to know what is the latest Windows 11 update released by Microsoft. However, focus more specifically on the OS Build column , which shows the build number. Memorize or copy this number to compare it with that of your team. How can you know the version you have installed? Keep reading because we tell you.

How to know if I have the latest Windows 11 update

Once you have made the pertinent queries and have the compilation number that corresponds to the latest version released, open the equipment configuration. Access the System section  . Then click  About . You will land on the screen you see below.

Take a look at the Operating system version section  . If it matches the one you saw on the Microsoft documentation page, you’re in luck. This means that you have the latest Windows 11 update . Take advantage of the fact that you are here to find out what version of Windows you have installed and when it was last updated. This last piece of information is available together with the statement Installed on [date] . If you want to copy the information to the clipboard to send it by mail or by message, use the Copy button  that you will see in the upper right area. With this, you already have enough information to determine if your equipment is up to date or not.

How to get the latest Windows 11 update

In the event that you have noticed that you do not have the latest Windows 11 update , you need to check for updates thanks to Windows Update . How do you get to this tool? Very easy:

  1. Open the settings app.
  2. Tap on  System.
  3. Click on  Windows Update .

To enter you can also search  Windows Update with Windows search. In any case, once there, click on  Check for updates .

The system will search for new versions of Windows 11 and download them. Afterwards, you may be asked to restart your computer to apply the changes correctly.

We warn you that Windows Update is a tool that will help you keep not only the operating system updated, but all the hardware drivers that allow the computer to function properly. So even if you’re on the latest version of Windows, there may be additional updates available to install.

With these explanations you will be ready to get the latest Windows 11 update on your computer. However, you must be careful not to apply certain settings that prevent the download of new versions. We refer more specifically to  Pause Updates , a function that stops searching for updates for 1, 2, 3 or even 4 weeks. If you’ve activated this feature by mistake, the button you’ll see at the top of Windows Update will be Resume updates , instead of  Check for updates . Click on it to redownload the latest versions of your computer’s system and critical software.

At this point, we have already shown you the tools you should have on hand to always enjoy the latest Windows 11 update . Now is the time to check out other useful tools built into Windows Update.

Other update options in Windows

In Windows Update you have at your disposal a series of utilities that are recommended if you are concerned about all this matter of keeping your computer up to date. One of them is Update history . With it you will be able to check which updates have been installed and of what type. In addition, each one has a button called  More information , which offers you more details about the installation and the function of each patch.

In this same section you will see  Uninstall the updates . Use this button to delete updates.

We cannot deny that, sometimes, the new versions give problems or worsen the performance of the equipment. This link can be your salvation in some cases.

Why is it important to have the latest Windows 11 update?

As we mentioned at the beginning of this article, there are some compelling reasons why it is important to keep your computer with the latest Windows 11 update installed. It is true that in some specific cases, updating the equipment can bring you more problems than solutions . But, in general, the changes that Microsoft includes are usually related to the interface or the improvement of certain native functions of the system. However, updates are also essential to avoid security problems or improve performance.

And you, do you always keep your equipment updated? Do you like having the latest Windows 11 update or do you prefer to wait for others to install it first? Give us your opinion by leaving it in writing in the comments. We read you!

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